IO-Link Diagnosis Tool now available

19. Apr 2018

IO-Link Diagnosis Tool now available

The IO-Link Diagnosis Tool analyzes the IO-Link signal both electrically and logically. It is an essential tool for engineers and users of the IO-Link technology to identify any kind of issues of the IO-Link connection.

Functional Description

The Diagnosis Tool is based on a high-speed multi-channel A/D converter that measures voltages and currents on both the C/Q and the L+ line. The measured data are transferred via USB to a software running on a Windows PC.
The IO-Link communication can be analyzed on byte-level, on M-sequence level, on protocol level and even on application level. The IO-Link communication is in the latter case visible in clear text. Folding, filtering and search functions simplify issue identification.
It is also possible to visualize waveforms and even eye-diagrams for Master and Device signals can be extracted.
Typically the Diagnosis Tool is inserted between Master and Device, however, a integrated Master allows to check Devices without external Master. The tracked communication is directly shown on a PC or stored on an embedded SD-card

Diagnosis Tool Features

  • Timing accurate IO-Link signal analysis
  • High speed, IO-Link synchronized ADC
  • Timing precise software UART decoding
  • Optional hardware signal direction detection
  • Byte-, frame-, protocol- or IODD-based decoding
  • Sophisticated filtering and search features
  • Device image collection of all data sent
  • Data storage image collection
  • Recording to hard disk / SD-card
  • Analog time signal view for UL+, IL+, UCQ, ICQ
  • Serial decoding in analogue waveform view
  • Eye diagram view separated for Device/Master
  • Interactive rulers for analogue measurements
  • User calibration support


  • Fast and easy IO-Link issue analysis
  • Logical and electrical issue detection
  • Suitable for development and application


  • IO-Link Diagnosis Tool
  • 24V power supply, USB  cable
  • Windows-based graphical user interface

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